The mission of the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Program is to support membership initiatives by:
The Ambassador Program consists of volunteers from the Chamber membership who donate their time to assist the Chamber in various activities. Ambassadors will have the opportunity to meet with key decision makers on a professional basis while assisting the Chamber with meeting its goal of personally contacting each Chamber firm for increased membership retention.
Each year in December, the Ambassadors select a non-profit to donate to as a part of their servant leadership in our community. Each month, the Ambassadors have one quest speaker from a local non-profit attend their meeting to share their mission, vision and ways the ambassadors and the community can get involved. This year, the non-profits they have learned about were Daughters of Worth, Purple Pantry, and Awaken Coffee. The non-profit of the year for 2022 that the Ambassadors voted to give a small donation to in December is Daughters of Worth.
To learn more information and to donate to each organization, you may visit each non-profit website page.
For more information, please contact Kimber Stone or call 252.752.4101 ext. 2222.